Wednesday, 8 January 2014

JaNoWriMo - Day 7

So, it's day 7 of JaNoWriMo! At the end of the first week I'm pleased to report that L, N and I are all still very much on track with our respective projects. L is bowling along at 57160 words for her fantasy story and N has finished his first short story and started his second. At writers' group on Monday, N explained he's writing a series of short stories with a linked theme. His first story deals with a contemplated suicide, but that's as much as he has revealed. Meanwhile, I've been keeping up with my daily writing hour and I've done a bit of historical and medical research for my story. As some of the characters are from 12th/13th century I've realised I'll need to do quite a bit of research before it's finished, which I don't mind (yes, I'm a geek).

All in all, a good first week to JaNo. Here's to the next week!


  1. Well done guys, you are all doing so well. Can't wait to hear/read them.

    1. Thanks Karen, I'm looking forward to hearing/reading your NaNo story! :)
